Year 9 Options Process

Choices Ahead

It is crucial that pupils thinks carefully about the choices they have to make. Their choices will open some doors and close others. 

The school will typically require pupils to choose a subject at GCSE if they later plans to study it at ‘A’ Level. There are also some subjects at ‘A’ Level that are not done at GCSE, but they have specific entry requirements. Pupils will need to acquaint themselves with these entry requirements to ensure that they have further choices at A Level. Pupils will, therefore, now need to consider their future educational pathway and start to think about possible university courses or the career she might like to pursue.

The subjects Pupils choose are important, but equally so, is the manner in which they make these decisions. This options section aims to provide information on the content of the various subjects on offer. Pupils should consider this information and advice carefully alongside their preferences, the advice from teachers on their strengths and what they can realistically aspire to.

Steps in Choosing Your Options

List of available courses

For detailed information about the courses on offer, click 'List of all available courses' below or go back to 'Curriculum', scroll down to 'Departments' and explore the 'Our Curriculum' section for each individual subject by clicking on that department page.

Year 9 Options Programme Roadmap

Year 9 Options Advice