KS3 (Years 7 to 9)
Programme of study Y7
The focus is on what Britain was like 250 years ago. We look at the Industrial Revolution, terrible towns and factories. Population explosion. Peter the Pauper. End of the Cripple factory. What made Sheffield stink? Who were the heroes of Public Health? A healthier nation.
We also look at local history - The sinking of the Utopia and life in Gibraltar in the 1800s and 1900s.
Programme of study Y8
Crime and Punishment in Britain. Jack the Ripper and the Yorkshire Ripper.
Slavery and the Civil Rights Movement. What was the slave trade? A life of slavery. Why was slavery abolished? The KKK and its role today. The Civil Rights Movement, its formation and leadership.
How did Britain gain an Empire? The British invasion of India. How great was the British Empire? Advantages and disadvantages of British rule in India. Indian Independence.
Local history - The Evacuation project.
Programme of study Y9
Titanic why was it so famous?
World War One - why did the first World War break out? Trench warfare. Why was there a stalemate?
How did women win the Vote?
Britain and the wider world.
European dictators, Hitler and the Nazis. Two types of Dictatorships. Hitler, his early life and why he come to power. Hitler in power. Anne Frank. The Holocaust.
Year 7
Assessment 1 - Factory Inspection report for the government.
Assessment 2 - Presentation about Public Health.
Year 8
Assessment 1 - Presentation to do with Jack the Ripper.
Assessment 2 - Diary of a slave.
Assessment 3 - Evacuation project.
Year 9
Assessment 1 - Essay on murder of Franz Ferdinand.
Assessment 2 - Year 9 test.
Assessment 3 - Rise of Hitler.
KS4 (Years 10 & 11)
Award: GCSE
Awarding Body: AQA
Specification Code: 8145
Specification Website: GCSE History
This course leads to an A-Level.
Year 10
Russia 1894-1945
Conflict and Tension 1918-1939
Year 11
Thematic studies c790- present day
Elizabethan England 1568-1603
Year 10 exam - Russia
Year 11 mock - Russia and Conflict &Tension
KS5 (Years 12 & 13)
Award: A-Level
Awarding Body: Edexcel
Specification Code: A-Level: 9Hi0
Specification Website: Edexcel A-Level History
Institution: Bayside/Westside
Subject Content
Nationalism, dictatorship and democracy in twentieth century Europe
Germany and West Germany 1918-89
This paper comprises a study in breadth, in which students will learn about key political changes experienced in a unified Germany and then in West Germany after the Second World War, and the impact of these changes on German economic, social and cultural developments. The focus of study is on developments and changes over a broad timescale and so the content is presented in themes spanning a significant duration: 1918-89. This paper also contains a study in depth of historical interpretations on a broad question, which is contextualised by, and runs parallel to, the themes: how far Hitler’s foreign policy was responsible for the Second World War.
Spain 1930-78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
This paper comprises a study in depth of Spain in the years 1930-78, a dramatic period for Spaniards which spanned years of democracy, dictatorship and democracy again, and led to the creation of the modern Spanish state. Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the changing politics and society of a nation that underwent the turbulence of the Second Republic and civil war followed by a period of right-wing dictatorship from which a modern democracy emerged.
The British Experience of Warfare c1790-1918
This paper comprises two parts: the ‘aspects in breadth’ focus on long-term changes and contextualise the ‘aspects in depth’, which focus in detail on key episodes. Together, the breadth and depth topics explore the British experience of war in different aspects of major overseas conflicts and the changing relationship between the state and the people as the government attempted to create an effective fighting machine and prepare the people for war. Within the primarily military focus in the experience of warfare, this paper also gives students the opportunity to explore its political, social and economic dimensions and their part in generating pressure for change.
This coursework will enable students to develop skills in the analysis and evaluation of interpretations of history in a particular question, problem or issue as part of an independently researched assignment. The focus is on understanding the nature and purpose of the work of the historian. Students will be required to form a critical view based on relevant reading on the question, problem or issue. They will also be specifically required to analyse, explain and evaluate the interpretations of three historians.
Paper 1: Germany and West Germany 1918-89
Written exam- 2hrs 15mins
60 marks
Worth 30% of A Level
Paper 2: Spain 1930-78: republicanism, Francoism and the re-establishment of democracy
Written exam- 1hr 30mins
40 marks
Worth 20% of A Level
Paper 3: The British Experience of Warfare c1790-1918
Written exam- 2hrs 15mins
60 marks
Worth 30% of A Level
A 3000-4000 word essay
40 marks
Worth 20% of A Level
Students carry out an independently-researched enquiry requiring them to analyse and evaluate historical interpretations and to organise and communicate the findings.
This coursework will be focused on one of the following:
Who was to blame for the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.
Why the nationalists won the Spanish Civil War.