KS3 (Years 7 to 9)
We aim to develop linguistic competence by:
Developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a range of situations and contexts.
Applying linguistic knowledge and skills to understand and communicate effectively.
We aim to develop knowledge about language by:
Understanding how a language works and how to manipulate it.
Recognising that languages differ but may share common grammatical features.
We aim to develop creativity by:
Using familiar language for new purposes and in new contexts.
Using imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings.
We aim to develop intercultural understanding by:
Appreciating the richness and diversity of Spain and Spanish speaking countries.
Recognising that Spanish is spoken in many other countries in the world and developing an international outlook.
Programme of study Y7
Students proficient in the language will develop language knowledge using the Compañeros 1 course and those with a basic knowledge of the language will use the Claro 1 language course.
Topics and themes covered will be: Spanish in the world, describing people, family, food, free time & sports, home, town & city and Hispanic culture and traditions. Our focus is to build the grammar knowledge and language skills students need to approach language development with confidence (for example; nouns, number, gender, articles, subject pronouns, verbs in the present tense, adjectives).
Year 7 also sees the introduction of film studies in term 2 and literature studies in term 3.
Film: Ferdinand el toro.
Texts: Paco y los estudiantes de intercambio & short stories.
Students access 2 lessons of Spanish per week.
Programme of study Y8
Students proficient in the language will develop language knowledge using the Compañeros 2 course and those with a basic knowledge of the language will continue to follow the Claro language course.
Topics and Themes covered: home, chores, friends, city/country life, school life, travel, future plans, Hispanic history and culture and weather. There will be a focus on grammar development as a comprehensive knowledge of this is essential for language growth (for example; verbs: present, future and past, negation, questions, possessive adjectives, contractions, pronouns, the personal ‘a’, comparisons and superlatives).
Year 8 sees the introduction of film studies in term 2 and literature studies in term 3.
Film: El libro de la vida.
Texts: Manolito Gafotas & short stories.
Students access 2 lessons of Spanish per week.
Programme of study Y9
Year 9 students begin the AQA GCSE course. Students will follow either the Higher or Foundation AQA specifications. All students will study the following topics:
Topic 1: Me, my family and friends. Relationships with family and friends. Marriage/partnership.
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life. Social media. Mobile technology.
Topic 3: Free-time activities. Music Cinema and TV Food and eating out. Sport.
Grammar covered; nouns, adverbs, quantifiers/intensifiers, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, number, quantity, dates, articles, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, verbs and time.
Term 2 will see the introduction of Film studies.
Film: Valentin.
Year 9 students will access two lessons of Spanish per week.
Termly assessments based on the 4 language skills; reading, writing, listening & speaking.
KS4 (Years 10 & 11)
Award: GCSE
Awarding Body: AQA
Specification Code: 8698
Specification Website: GCSE AQA Spanish
This course leads to an A-Level.
The focus of the AQA’s GCSE in Spanish is the development of real-life language skills based on authentic-style tasks and situations. This will enable learners to develop their ability and ambition to communicate with native speakers in speech and writing. This approach encourages learners to step beyond familiar cultural boundaries, to broaden their horizons and develop new ways of seeing the world. The GCSE course started in Year 9.
The subject content of AQA’s GCSE in Spanish is organised into three broad themes:
Theme 1 - Identity and culture
Covers the following four topics with related sub-topics shown as bullet points:
Topic 1: Me, my family and friends
Relationships with family and friends
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
Social media
Mobile technology
Topic 3: Free-time activities
Cinema and TV
Food and eating out
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries/communities
Theme 2 - Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Covers the following four topics with related sub-topics shown as bullet points:
Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Topic 2: Social issues
Charity/voluntary work
Healthy/unhealthy living
Topic 3: Global issues
The environment
Topic 4: Travel and tourism
Theme 3 - Current and future study and employment
Covers the following four topics:
Topic 1: My studies
Topic 2: Life at school/college
Topic 3: Education post-16
Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Year 10 and 11 Mocks
The AQA GCSE in Spanish is a linear qualification with 100% external assessment.
There are four equally weighted components, each worth 25%.
Three components are examined; Listening, Reading and Writing.
The Speaking tests are internally conducted and externally assessed.
Students must be entered for either Foundation Tier or Higher Tier. They must take all four components for the appropriate tier in the same series and are not permitted to use a dictionary
KS5 (Years 12 & 13)
Award: A-Level
Awarding Body: AQA
Specification Code: 7692
Specification Website: AQA A-Level Spanish
Institution: Bayside/Westside
The A Level will be fully linear so assessment of a student’s knowledge and understanding of the whole course takes place at the end of two years of study.
Spanish A Level gives learners the opportunity to develop and deepen their awareness and understanding of the language as well as the cultural and historical knowledge of the countries and communities where the language is spoken. In addition to the focus on speaking the language confidently and coherently, learners will increase their knowledge of the countries and communities where the language is spoken by their study of language in its cultural, literary and social context as well as through film and literature.
The A Level in Spanish encourages the development of valuable transferable skills, such as reading, listening, speaking and translation. In addition, learners develop the ability to write critically and analytically about a film and a literary text in the target language.
Subject Content
Aspects of Hispanic society
Modern and traditional values (Los valores tradicionales y modernos)
Los cambios en la familia
Actitudes hacia el matrimonio/el divorcio
La influencia de la Iglesia Católica
Cyberspace (El ciberespacio)
La influencia de internet
Las redes sociales: beneficios y peligros
Los móviles inteligentes en nuestra sociedad
Equal rights (La igualdad de los sexos)
La mujer en el mercado laboral
El machismo y el feminismo
Los derechos de los gays y las personas transgénero
Multiculturalism in Hispanic society
Immigration (La inmigración)
Los beneficios y los aspectos negativos
La inmigración en el mundo hispánico
Los indocumentados - problemas
Racism (El racismo)
Las actitudes racistas y xenófobas
Las medidas contra el racismo
La legislación anti-racista
Integration (La convivencia)
La convivencia de culturas
La educación
Las religions
Artistic culture in the Hispanic world
Modern day idols (La influencia de los ídolos)
Cantantes y músicos
Estrellas de televisión y cine
Spanish regional identity (La identidad regional en España)
Tradiciones y costumbres
La gastronomía
Las lenguas
Cultural heritage (El patrimonio cultural)
Sitios turísticos y civilizaciones prehispánicas: Machu Picchu, la Alhambra, etc
Arte y arquitectura
El patrimonio musical y su diversidad
Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world
Today's youth, tomorrow's citizens (Jóvenes de hoy, ciudadanos del mañana)
Los jóvenes y su actitud hacia la política : activismo o apatía
El paro entre los jóvenes
Su sociedad ideal
Monarchies and dictatorships (Monarquías y dictaduras)
La dictadura de Franco
La evolución de la monarquía en España
Dictadores latinoamericanos
Popular movements (Movimientos populares)
La efectividad de las manifestaciones y las huelgas
El poder de los sindicatos
Ejemplos de protestas sociales (eg. El 15-M, las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo, …)
Paper 1: Listening, Reading & Writing
Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes
100 marks
50% of A-level
Listening and responding to spoken passages.
Reading and responding to a variety of texts.
Translation into English; a passage of minimum 100 words
Translation into Spanish; a passage of minimum 100 words
No access to a dictionary during the assessment.
Paper 2: Writing
Written exam: 2 hours
80 marks in total
20% of A-level
Either one question in Spanish on a set text from a choice of two questions and one question in Spanish on a set film from a choice of two questions or two questions in Spanish on set texts from a choice of two questions on each text.
No access to a dictionary, texts or films during the assessment.
Paper 3: Speaking
Oral exam: 21–23 minutes (including 5 minutes preparation time)
60 marks in total
30% of A-level
Discussion of a sub-theme with the discussion based on a stimulus card (5–6 minutes).
The student studies the card for 5 minutes at the start of the test (25 marks).
Presentation (2 minutes) and discussion (9–10 minutes) of individual research project (35 marks).
No access to a dictionary during the assessment (including 5 minutes preparation).
Individual research project
Students must identify a subject or a key question which is of interest to them and which relates to a country or countries where Spanish is spoken. They must select relevant information in Spanish from a range of sources including the internet. The aim of the research project is to develop research skills. Students will demonstrate their ability to initiate and conduct individual research by analysing and summarising their findings, in order to present and discuss them in the speaking assessment. Students may choose a subject linked to one of the themes or sub-themes or to one of the works. However, students must not base their research on the same literary text or film that they refer to in their written assessment.
Literary Texts and Films
Federico García Lorca La casa de Bernarda Alba
Gabriel García Márquez Crónica de una muerte anunciada
Laura Esquivel Como agua para chocolate
Ramón J. Sender Réquiem por un campesino español
Carlos Ruiz Zafón La sombra del viento
Isabel Allende La casa de los espíritus
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Rimas
Fernando Fernán-Gómez Las bicicletas son para el verano
Luis de Castresana El otro árbol de Guernica
Gabriel García Márquez El coronel no tiene quien le escriba
El laberinto del fauno Guillermo del Toro (2006)
Ocho apellidos vascos Emilio Martínez-Lázaro (2014)
María, llena eres de gracia Joshua Marston (2004)
Volver Pedro Almodóvar (2006)
Abel Diego Luna (2010)