
‘The effective use of communication skills and Performance to portray different characters, situations and themes’  

Department Staffing:

Mrs F Hemmi - Head of Department (ag)

Ms N Bishop

Ms E McGrail

Our CORE Values

Drama Vision

Through Drama we aim to create high level performers who:


This means our students will be able to access exam syllabus work and be successful in these.

They will have a set of transferable skills.

They will learn the power of hard work and determination.

Lunchtime clubs:

We provide a Drama club for students to enhance their skills and collaborate with diverse peers. This club also prepares participants for school concerts and assemblies, offering additional opportunities for performance. Our KS5 students contribute to workshops by presenting scripted material and providing opportunities for peers to create their own content inspired by a given stimulus.

School concerts:

Our department plays a crucial role in school concerts, crafting diverse Drama performances that showcase the outstanding work accomplished throughout the school year. It's an excellent platform to celebrate the talent within our school community.

A-Level Drama 

Our A Level Drama students successfully complete their Component 3 Making Theatre Examination. All students were able to deliver engaging and mature performances. 

Year 11 Drama - November 2023

GCSE Drama students successfully complete their Component 3 Texts In Practice examination.

Student Testimonials

“I enjoy creating pieces whilst learning about the different skills I need to pursue a career in acting. Through the daily lessons and help from the amazing teachers in the department” “You meet a lot of new people with a variety of skills and personalities. It is a safe space were teachers prioritise your comfort” “The teacher’s are the best  teachers’ ever met and they show honesty, respect and clear intrigue in what we do”

Year 11 GCSE Drama 2023-24

“You are not born with love for Dance and Drama, it’s a passion that will forever be with you. I find it amazing how the techniques and skills I have learned within the Dance and Drama Department have led me to the person I am today. The clubs taught me self expression and discipline and allows me to be myself, also letting my emotions flow freely”

Ella Hurtado (Year 9 - 2023-24)