Computing has become an integral part of our daily lives, crucial for most individuals, both in domestic and educational settings. The aim of the Computing curriculum is to empower students with the knowledge, understanding, and skills needed to use technology responsibly, creatively and purposefully.
Our Curriculum
At Westside School We integrate computer science at the core of our Computing education. Our dedication lies in ensuring that every child has access to a computing education that nurtures the development of knowledge, skills, and computational thinking. This equips them with the skills and knowledge to make informed choices in our continually evolving digital world.
KS3 Computing
We structure our Computing education program around the three key strands of the national curriculum:
Computer Science - Pupils learn problem-solving through the application of algorithms, writing their own code and gaining programming proficiency. They are also given the chance to debug their code, enhancing its quality.
Information Technology - Pupils have the chance to organise, store, and retrieve digital content, aiding in the expansion of their computing vocabulary.
Digital Literacy - children learn how to use devices correctly and safely as well as develop their understanding of online safety.
This planned curriculum not only builds upon existing knowledge but also introduces new concepts and approaches. Additionally, it guides students on how to navigate the online world safely and positively.
GCSE and Level 2 Courses
KS4 OCR Computer Science
Level 2 BTEC Digital Information Technologies
ASDAN Computing